Nucleus for Research and Study on Alcohol and Traffic (NEPTA)
NEPTA was created in 2009 as a specific nucleus within CPAD for the development of studies in the area of traffic, seeking to fill an important gap in research, education and prevention of accidentality and risks related to the use of substances in Brazilian traffic. It has already conducted large national studies, reaching up to 200 professionals in simultaneous data collection waves in Brazil.
Currently, NEPTA develops projects evaluating instruments for detection of drug use in traffic – Point-of-collection testing devices ("POCTS"), funded by SENAD, and a project in cooperation with investigators from the McGill and Sherbrooke Universities - Canada, involving the analysis of personality factors and impulsivity in drivers through the implementation of driving simulation. This project funded in 2017 by the Foundation for Research Support of the State of Rio Grande do Sul (FAPERGS). Other driving simulation studies involving sleep / wakefulness, hypoglycaemia and other organic conditions that may influence driving ability are expected to begin soon.